Tuesday, March 1, 2011

hello Again

So i am back this past month has been crazy for us. Brionna is still doing swim lessons and i know i need to get pictures up. Thanks to my mom for helping me with this because up until Sunday i didn't have a suit to fit. So now I do and I'm hoping all goes well i can swim with her Monday.

Brionna started therapy this month. Her therapist is awesome and is great with her. Brionna can be on the bratty side which is for sure her all the time. She recently started to quack like a duck, and say hi. These are exciting milestones for us but i again come back to the what about the audiologist who's suppose to do her evaluation because it seems like at time when we talk to her she is totally spaced out and not hearing us...OR is she ignoring us.

The last week and yesterday we have been battling that awesome horrible flu bug. Brionna got it first then daddy and then i got it yesterday. We have been a pretty busy family other than that. I am super excited to advise as of Monday we should hopefully get to see what we are having. I am hoping for a boy but as long as I have a health baby that's all that matters. In the last few days I have been having a lot of fetal movement which is very exciting i think it was very intense yesterday sine i could eat maybe the baby was hungry who knows. But I will close for now and post again soon. Hopefully i can get some pictures up this weekend and next Monday of our little jumping bean. I keep everyone posted on our progress..

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