Monday, December 6, 2010

OH Where as Time Gone

So i have alot going on now and i don't know where to start.

Lastnight a got some really cute christmas pictures of brionna in front of our trees so...I have the Christmas Cards done and just about all of the presents wraped. Now I only have to finish shopping for the cat and dog and we are done YAY

I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving I cooked and then went out shopping at 9:30pm hence the reason I am done shopping.

Life is crazy we are getting lots of snow now and I hate it. I think Paul will hate it to by the time summer is out and he has to get up every morning to shovel out a path to the car and brush it off for me but i love him and he knows it.

I recently found out some news which i Cant share till after this weekend. Most of my family knows but i think its best i keep it under wraps till after my appointment on Thursday It has been very crazy in our house to say the least.

Well I need to head on to get work done!!!! I will be posting up pictures as soon as i have 5 minutes at home.

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